Imagine you have to release and deploy code daily and multiple times on a vast cloud infrastructure. This is not an imaginary use case applicable only to startups, but reality of enterprise businesses too.
Todays’ business environment demands agility and flexibility to stay focused and be at the top. IT department must align itself with the current business priorities and evolve to deliver demanding business value. This ever-changing landscape and business requirements demands challenges as listed below to be boldly faced by IT:
- Reduce time to provision new environment and scale up/down
- Build process should be fast and accurate
- Automate build and release to reduce workforce costs
IrisLogic Continuous Delivery Practice for DevOps
Lack of availability of environment and over dependence on the legacy systems is making it dramatically difficult to simultaneously release multiple projects. With wide scale adoption of cloud computing, agility to scale and speed up IT provisioning has tremendously improved. IrisLogic’s Continuous Delivery practice orchestrates the on-demand provisioning of environments on different types of infrastructures like public cloud, private cloud or hybrid infrastructure for DevOps.
DevOps main goal is to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security and maintainability of operational processes. This objective is very often supported by automation. IrisLogic DevOps practice enables the IT organization to break out of silos, embrace collaboration, and inject that elixir of agility to drive business success. The on-demand provisioning of environments within this infrastructure, with all the software and application deployed and con figured on it, is the key enabler for DevOps.

DevOps main goal is to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security and maintainability of operational processes. This objective is very often supported by automation. IrisLogic DevOps practice enables the IT organization to break out of silos, embrace collaboration, and inject that elixir of agility to drive business success. The on-demand provisioning of environments within this infrastructure, with all the software and application deployed and con gured on it, is the key enabler for DevOps.
IrisLogic DevOps Offering
Our DevOps Offering:
- Agile Software Development
- Faster time-to-market through automation and shorter release cycles
- Enhanced collaboration between internal teams
- Lower project costs through innovative cloud-based pricing models
- Seamless integration with application development, testing and management tools

Key Technology
The Key technology focus:
- Linux / Unix Servers and Environment
- OpenStack Private/Hybrid/Public Cloud Infrastructure – from bare metal to SaaS deployment
- Canonical offering – OpenStack, Juju, MAAS, LXD, Snappy, Cloud Storage and much more
- Amazon Web Services (AWS) Cloud Infrastructure, deployment, and monitoring
- Jenkins, Jerrit, Sonar, and Nexus
- Virtual machines, images (Docker), containers (Kubernetes), and environment
- SCM/ALM using tools such as Git, Jira, Confluence, Google Docs and much more
- Automated process using Maven, Ant, Java, and jQuery
- Automated QA using Junit, Cucumber, Selenium
- Automated deployment using Chef, CFEngine, Puppet, Salt, Ansible, Nagios, and Plutora
- Images using Docker, Apache, Tomcat, MySQL, Node.js, JBoss, PHP, Angular and much more
- Environment management using Amazon Ec2, VPC, Elastic IP, S3, RDS, CloudWatch, IAM, SQS and much more
- Scripting Languages like Ruby, Python, Shell, Awk, and Perl
At IrisLogic, the specific goals of DevOps span the entire delivery pipeline. Our goals includes improved deployment frequency, which can lead to faster time to market, lower failure rate of new releases, shortened lead time between fixes, and faster mean time to recovery in the event of a new release crashing or otherwise disabling the current system. IrisLogic believes processes become increasingly programmable and dynamic, using a DevOps approach. Our DevOps practice aims to maximize the predictability, efficiency, security, and maintainability of operational processes. We thrive and continuously fine tune our automation process to supports this objective.
IrisLogic DevOps team integration targets product delivery, continuous testing, quality testing, feature development, and maintenance releases in order to improve reliability and security and provide faster development and deployment cycles. Many of our ideas (and people) involved in DevOps came from the enterprise systems management and agile software development movements.
In the end, IrisLogic DevOps practice aids in software application release management for our customers by standardizing development environments. We believe events can be more easily tracked as well as resolving documented process control and granular reporting issues. Our DevOps approach grants developers more control of the environment, giving infrastructure more application-centric understanding.
Write Us today to see how IrisLogic can help you in efficiently streamline your DevOps.