Unbiased testing can provide useful information for quality assurance, product development, acquisition support, competitive analysis, and can help support marketing and sales efforts. For example, pre-testing the stress load, performance capabilities, and functional ability of a website can prevent serious problems from occurring. Without it, companies can potentially lose revenue and customers, and damage their reputation.
IrisLogic’s testing division allows our customers to bring quality error-free solutions to the market. Irisians (our core engineers) apply their pool of testing expertise to internal and third party development projects, ensuring that every aspect performs to expectations and the functionality works as anticipated. Our comprehensive testing process allows our customers to concentrate on the development side of a project, thereby leaving the details of QA & testing to our Irisians.
IrisLogic will design a test to fit your technical requirements, schedule, and budget. We provide our customers with documentation and training as part of the testing solution. Our testing philosophy is to focus on the end users perspective, encourage testing right from the beginning of project cycle, measure quality, provide right resources to the QA project, leverage past experiences, provide effective governance, and bring measureable cost savings to the customer.

Our testing focus is on the following technologies:
- Microsoft .NET Applications
- J2EE based Application
- Mobile and Wireless Applications
- Open Source Applications
- Embedded Systems Testing
- Communication Protocols and Network Equipment Testing
- ERP Application Testing
- Client/Server Application Testing
- Cloud/SaaS Enabled Application Testing
We provide following QA/testing solutions:
- Test Strategy and Planning
- Manual Testing
- Automation Application
- Test Consulting and R&D Services
- Performance Testing
- Browser and System Compatibility Matrix
- 24×7 Test Execution
- Device Testing
- Locale Testing
- Security Testing
Our Methodology entails following:
- Understanding of client specific requirements
- Domain knowledge acquistion, transition, and documentation
- Infrastructure Setup and QA resource allocation
- SLA Definition and change management approach
- Testbench setup
- Matrix collection, reporting, and fine tuning overall QA process

Some of the tools we use for testing, but not limited by them:
- QTP, Winrunner, and Loadrunner from HP
- SilkTest and SilkRunner from Borland
- Visual Studio Team Test Edition from Microsoft
- Selenium IDE and Runner using languages such as Ruby, Perl, and Python
- Load testing tools like openSTA, http-load, QALoad, SilkPerformer, LoadRunner, WebLoad, and more
- Data Networking and Communication Protocol testing using Tcl/Tk and Perl
- Using traffic generators like Ixia and Spirent
- Bug reporting tools such as Jira, BugZilla, ClearQuest, ClearDDTS, Defect Tracker, elementool, FogBUGZ, Mantis, SilkCentral, TeamTrack, TrackRecord and more
- For Java testing tools/frameworks like JUnit, JProfiler, TestNG, JTestCase, Jameleon, UISpec4J, JTR, Ejb3Unit, SpringUnit, SelAid, JunitPerf, The Grinder, jMock, TagUnit, Lint4j, Cactus, and more
- Some other tools such as WebRat (Ruby based), Fiddler, FireBug, Cucumber, LinkTiger, HTML Validator, Purifier, LinkLint, jQuery, Tellurium, SlimDog, Celerity, Watij, Watir, HttpUnit, Snort, PerimeterCheck, AppScan, NETIQ and more
Using the latest testing tools and technology, IrisLogic offers following comprehensive testing services:
Web Application Testing
Our Irisians test Web-based applications for browser compatibility, outgoing links, functionality, load, and performance.(read more)
Application Testing
IrisLogic offers testing solutions for your application at any stage of the software development cycle. Our testing services are not limited to white box testing, black box testing, beta testing, and user acceptance testing.(read more)
Automatation Testing
IrisLogic offers timely, cost-effective customized automated testing solutions for any application. Automated testing allows us to rapidly perform regression tests for any code changes.(read more)
Globalization Testing
Today, most applications target a global audience, which means going beyond borders and working with clients to make sure application has proper global sets, readable, and viewable in as many as possible platforms and browsers.(read more)
Security Testing
Web and Client/Server application has opened new platform for communication. Information is available right at our finger tips with click of few buttons.(read more)
Performance Testing
Designing an application for performance is a fine art. Choice of data structures, components, framework, n-tier division, design patterns, threads, UI framework, and schema design are all pieces of puzzles that define how well your application will work on a given infrastructure.(read more)