Faced with shrinking margins, cost pressures, and new competitors, many wholesalers are changing their business models to improve customer loyalty — offering value-added services or outsourcing core business processes to reduce costs.
IrisLogic Supply chain, Logistics, and Distribution addresses the needs of wholesale distribution businesses in a wide range of segments, including household products, industrial, medical, and healthcare. This solution set supports the core components of your business, with applications for:
- Sales Order Management
- Warehouse Management
- Procurement
- Financial Management
- Customer Service
- Sales Force Management

Key features includes:
- Sales orders & sales quotation management; cloning for expedited quote-to-order conversion without re-keying.
- Easily generate purchase orders to suppliers based on sales orders for direct shipping to customers.
- Streamline pick lists and warehouse functions to improve fulfillment rates.
- Advanced pricing management to handle customer specific pricing, discount schedules, and promotions.
- Fully integrated ERP functionality:
- Sales and Distribution Management
- Financial Management
- Supply Chain Planning
- Materials Management
- Ecommerce and Web Portals
- Material requirements planning that helps meet customer demand with powerful inventory analysis capabilities.
- Electronic data interchange (EDI) to electronically conduct business in the supply chain.
- Bar-coded receiving, shipping, pick/pack operations.
- Powerful reporting to help manage your business. Business intelligence (BI) tools turn data into decision support information.
- Built-in business events “alerts” keep key personnel informed on where to take action.
- Proven software and a proven implementation methodology delivered by metal industries professionals.