Corporate Social Responsibility: An Overview
At IrisLogic, our corporate social responsibility (CSR), governance and practices, is our commitment to our employees, stakeholders, and the environment. Our CSR has been developed to provide long-term benefits to our employees, our customers, partners, and communities. This document outlines our philosophy and progress to date on issues that affect the social environment, and sustainability of our business and the global communities in which we operate, and describes the tangible benefits of our practices, programs, and initiatives.
As one of Silicon Valley’s premier global software development & professional services firms, we offer end-to-end service solutions in the areas of e-business, enterprise application integration, intranet, wireless, testing/QA, and internet security and networking infrastructure. As an end-to-end software solutions firm, we can engage with companies at any stage of the development lifecycle, from inception through to the architecture, development and transaction phases.
Delivered by our Irisians (Smart Integrators), our solutions to our clients include our core frameworks, knowledge management models, and homegrown software development methodologies. Using our unique solutions models, we have successfully completed several projects for our brick and mortar and e-business clients across the US, Europe, and India.
Corporate Citizenship
Corporate culture affects affect employees and organizational operations, which plays a vital factor in guaranteeing success of the organization. Our corporate culture has several key elements: it offers a clear corporate vision; it is supported by corporate values consistent with the aims of the company and aligned with the personal values of the employees; a high value is placed on employees at all levels and there is extensive employee interaction across all levels. Fair leadership style is demonstrated by an open office culture.
Product Stewardship
- Our goal is to continue to improve our performance while improving quality of life & environment.
Advocacy & Governance
- We promote policies that we advocate our growth and ability to serve our customers better.
- Adapt to better technology and honest leadership.
- Corporate governance is our goal for long term success, through our corporate governance. We demonstrate ethical business practices.
IrisLogic and Employees
We believe in engaging the best and retaining the best. We provide open and transparent communications with employees, fostering a timely, two-way flow of information. We offer our employees efficient work environment. We are able to enhance productivity and reduce both operational and environmental costs by implementing ways that reduce the need for travel. Employees are able to connect with the corporate office and amongst themselves by use of Skype and all such IM tools. The same is applicable for employees interacting with customers
Employee Diversity
- Equal Employment Opportunity policy to include not only sexual orientation and gender, but also gender expression or identity, race, color, genetics, religion, national origin, disability, age.
- Merging of cultures enables employees to celebrate and share their own holidays as well as learn from unfamiliar traditions.
Employee Development
- Rolled out a structured process to identify and develop high-potential employees.
- Developed Momentum, a mentoring and leadership development program.
- Trained interns through training programs and hired them as technical professionals within the organization.
- Celebrating employees hard work and achievements through a dedicated work team.
- Encourage employees to discuss challenges and better practices. These inputs were incorporated into better productivity of employees.
- Other Initiative / Plans include
Employee Well-Being
- We offer a safe, diverse environment and progressive program that help employee balance work in life.
- Helped human resources managers, business unit managers and employees understand and promote flexible working options.
IrisLogic the Environment
- Environment Responsibility: We work together to protect natural resources that in turn will contribute to a healthier environment.
- Energy Use: Decrease total energy use by 2 percent.
- Energy Efficiency: Have installed sensory light bulbs which turn off automatically to conserve energy
Material and Recycling:
Substituted using recycled material in the cafeteria. Recycled all food containers which would reduce tons of waste entering landfills in the state. This in turn would avoid carbon dioxide emissions. All old hardware equipment are recycled. IrisLogic and Society
Community Commitment: We believe we can build a better future for our employees and communities by supporting initiates that will enhance our ability to better the global social community. Donating & Reaching Out
1) IrisLogic has donated to Foundation of excellence which helps high school teams in India to inspire higher education.
2) We have donated to the CRY relief fund organization for needy and disabled children.
3) We have donated to CTR (Calcutta Tilgallah Relief Foundation) to enable students to leverage the benefits of education and technology.
4) Donated to the Cancer Research Program and American Heart Association.
5) Have donated to Earthquake Relief Fund in Chile, Haiti, India and several other places
6) Contributed to March of Dimes towards improving health of under privileged babies
7) Working with Small Step Foundation, a non-profit focusing towards under priveledge children in India
Encouraged engineers to create online discussion group through social media. This would service the community of engineers who have lesser resources. Employee Volunteerism: Created a culture within the organization to contribute time and resources to local charitable organizations like Sacred Hearth communities and local schools. Created a culture to donate blood to Red Cross Association and Stanford Blood Center.